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 Search for:    Lascells        Compare Selected        Show First Page
Lascells Microwave Receiver

Lascells Microwave Receiver£236.95

Lascells Microwave Transmitter

Lascells Microwave Transmitter£246.08

Lascells Microwave Probe Receiver

Lascells Microwave Probe Receiver£164.05

Lascells E-Field Detector

Lascells E-Field Detector£98.61

Lascells Digital Ammeter 0-10A x 0.01A

Lascells Digital Ammeter 0-10A x 0.01A£34.84

Lascells Digital Voltmeter 0-20V x 0.01A

Lascells Digital Voltmeter 0-20V x 0.01A£34.84

Lascells Digital Ammeter  0-10A x 0.01A pk 10

Lascells Digital Ammeter 0-10A x 0.01A pk 10£308.80

Additional Mass Set for Lascells Gyroscope

Additional Mass Set for Lascells Gyroscope£12.95

Lascells Slide Carrier

Lascells Slide Carrier£5.92

Lascells Bi-Metal Strip

Lascells Bi-Metal Strip£23.60

Lascells LED Stroboscope

Lascells LED Stroboscope£179.55

Lascells Zinc Plate For Electroscope

Lascells Zinc Plate For Electroscope£20.28

Lascells Resistance Selector

Lascells Resistance Selector£28.02

Lascells Reaction Timer Switch

Lascells Reaction Timer Switch£77.91

Lascells Electrode Holder

Lascells Electrode Holder£5.98

Lascells Bridge Rectifier Mk 2

Lascells Bridge Rectifier Mk 2£44.06

Lascells Bi-Metal Strip Kit

Lascells Bi-Metal Strip Kit£33.96

Lascells Compact Ramp Kit

Lascells Compact Ramp Kit£105.62

Lascells Digital Milliammeter, pk 10

Lascells Digital Milliammeter, pk 10£308.80

Lascells 'g' by Free Fall

Lascells 'g' by Free Fall£58.33

Lascells Doppler Ball Mk2

Lascells Doppler Ball Mk2£17.52

Lascells Timer Light Gate Mk 2

Lascells Timer Light Gate Mk 2£31.57

Lascells Loudspeaker Kit

Lascells Loudspeaker Kit£31.20

Lascells Planck's Constant

Lascells Planck's Constant£87.97

Lascells LED Object

Lascells LED Object£15.00

Lascells Velocity of Sound

Lascells Velocity of Sound£169.80

Lascells Fibre Optics

Lascells Fibre Optics£309.15

Lascells Compact Colour Mixer

Lascells Compact Colour Mixer£45.72

Lascells Magnetic Pickup

Lascells Magnetic Pickup£38.83

Lascells Economy Switched PSU

Lascells Economy Switched PSU£121.89

Lascells Rotary Table

Lascells Rotary Table£71.49

Lascells Adjustable Power Supply 1A

Lascells Adjustable Power Supply 1A£48.24

Lascells Adjustable Power Supply 2A

Lascells Adjustable Power Supply 2A£60.17

Lascells Resonance Tube

Lascells Resonance Tube£134.85

Lascells Mini Loudspeaker

Lascells Mini Loudspeaker£34.08

Lascells Millisecond Triple Mode Timer

Lascells Millisecond Triple Mode Timer£214.45

Lascells Periscopes Kit

Lascells Periscopes Kit£29.98

Lascells Gyroscope Wheel

Lascells Gyroscope Wheel£101.43

Lascells Decade Resistance Box Mk 2

Lascells Decade Resistance Box Mk 2£51.20

Lascells Stress Structure Set

Lascells Stress Structure Set£18.18

Lascells Laboratory Loudspeaker

Lascells Laboratory Loudspeaker£82.20

Lascells Capacitance Selector

Lascells Capacitance Selector£26.67

Lascells Lab. Loudspeaker

Lascells Lab. Loudspeaker£33.20

Lascells Energy Meter

Lascells Energy Meter£63.62

Lascells Amplified Resonance Tube

Lascells Amplified Resonance Tube£164.80

Lascells RCCB Demo

Lascells RCCB Demo£148.33

Lascells Trans-Ratio

Lascells Trans-Ratio£84.18

Lascells Capacitance Box

Lascells Capacitance Box£90.06

Lascells Polaroid Analyser

Lascells Polaroid Analyser£27.07

Lascells Resistivity Board

Lascells Resistivity Board£50.38

Lascells Battery Eliminator 1A

Lascells Battery Eliminator 1A£36.23

Lascells Battery Eliminator 2A

Lascells Battery Eliminator 2A£47.59

Lascells Resistance Wire Board

Lascells Resistance Wire Board£50.38

Lascells Colour Mixer

Lascells Colour Mixer£167.37   £100.42

Strobe Frequency Counter

Strobe Frequency Counter£21.67

Timer Light Gate

Timer Light Gate£43.33

Light Gate Adaptor 3.5mm Jack

Light Gate Adaptor 3.5mm Jack£26.67

Millisecond Timer

Millisecond Timer£79.46

Mounted Component - On/Off Switch

Mounted Component - On/Off Switch£9.27

Mounted Component - LDR

Mounted Component - LDR£9.23

Mounted Component - LED Yellow

Mounted Component - LED Yellow£7.22

Mounted Component - Red LED

Mounted Component - Red LED£7.22

Mounted Silicon Diode

Mounted Silicon Diode£6.02

Mounted MES Lampholder

Mounted MES Lampholder£7.93

Mounted MES Lampholder with Bulb

Mounted MES Lampholder with Bulb£8.08

Mounted C Cell Holder

Mounted C Cell Holder£12.20

Mounted D Cell Holder

Mounted D Cell Holder£14.30

Resistivity Wire - Brass

Resistivity Wire - Brass£4.60

Resistivity Wire - Manganin

Resistivity Wire - Manganin£4.60

Resistivity Wire - Nichrome

Resistivity Wire - Nichrome£4.60

Mounted Zener Diode 2.7V

Mounted Zener Diode 2.7V£7.43

Compact Ramp Kit Spare Surfaces

Compact Ramp Kit Spare Surfaces£28.08

Mounted Component - Thermistor

Mounted Component - Thermistor£7.47

Laser Receiver

Laser Receiver£145.28

Dual Colour Laser

Dual Colour Laser£259.11

Hookes Law

Hookes Law£38.77

Doppler Ball

Doppler Ball£64.25

Acoustic Probe for Resonance Tube

Acoustic Probe for Resonance Tube£82.20

Wireless Rubens' Tube Amplifier

Wireless Rubens' Tube Amplifier£56.98

Cloud Chamber

Cloud Chamber£550.38

Mounted Component -  LED Green

Mounted Component - LED Green£7.22

Mounted component - Buzzer

Mounted component - Buzzer£8.18

Mounted Component - Changeover Switch

Mounted Component - Changeover Switch£10.63

Rubens' Tube Amplifier

Rubens' Tube Amplifier£53.73

Power Supply for Wireless Amplifier

Power Supply for Wireless Amplifier£9.82

Mounted Component -  Reed Switch

Mounted Component - Reed Switch£8.90

Mounted Capacitor 470µF 35V

Mounted Capacitor 470µF 35V£7.05

Digital Signal Generator

Digital Signal Generator£341.77

Mounted Component - Bridge Rectifier

Mounted Component - Bridge Rectifier£9.25

Mounted Component Holder

Mounted Component Holder£6.07

Mounted Capacitor 4700µF 35V

Mounted Capacitor 4700µF 35V£11.73

Mounted Capacitor 4.7µF 100V

Mounted Capacitor 4.7µF 100V£7.05

Mounted Component - nMOSFET

Mounted Component - nMOSFET£4.85

Mounted Component - pMOSFET

Mounted Component - pMOSFET£6.02

Optics Bench Set

Optics Bench Set£111.96

Mounted  Supercapacitor 10F 5V max.

Mounted Supercapacitor 10F 5V max.£23.18

Plunger for Resonance Tubes

Plunger for Resonance Tubes£10.49

Mounted Capacitor 0.1µF 200V

Mounted Capacitor 0.1µF 200V£5.67

Adjustable Laser Pointer Stand

Adjustable Laser Pointer Stand£11.27

Mounted Capacitor 1µF 100V

Mounted Capacitor 1µF 100V£6.25

Mounted Capacitor 10µF 100V

Mounted Capacitor 10µF 100V£12.47

Mounted Capacitor 2200µF 35V

Mounted Capacitor 2200µF 35V£6.85

Mounted Capacitor 2.2µF 200V

Mounted Capacitor 2.2µF 200V£7.05

Mounted Capacitor 100µF 63V

Mounted Capacitor 100µF 63V£7.05

Laser Reflection Tank

Laser Reflection Tank£44.47

Mounted Capacitor 1000µF 35V

Mounted Capacitor 1000µF 35V£6.67

 Search for:    Lascells        Compare Selected        Show First Page

Page 1 of 1:    124 Results

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