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This product is covered by one of the following:
1. The Poisons Act 19722. The Control of Poisons and Explosives Precursors Regulations 20233. Category 2 Drug Precurors: The Law Enforcement and Security (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 No. 742
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Product Code : S8001412-1LBrand: BRECKLAND SOLUTIONSAssay: 40%CAS: 1310-73-2Index No.: 011-002-00-6EC No.: 215-185-5Formula: NaOHSynonyms: 0Info: 0UN Hazard Class: 8UN Number: 1824UN Packing Group: II
Q = What is the molarity of this solution?A = Sodium hydroxide has a molecular weight of 40.NaOHSodium Na 23Oxygen 0 16Hydrogen H 1Total = 40Therefore a 1 molar solution of sodium hydroxide contains 40g/L of NaOH.A 10% solution (w/v) would be 10g per 100ml or 100g per litre.A 40% solution (w/v) is therefore 400g /LSo a 40% solution NaOH is 10 molar .
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