Home > Chemicals > Search by A - Z > Rennet - Superwool
Only available for schools & colleges to order.
Product Code : S0001314-1KGBrand: BRECKLAND SOLUTIONSAssay: 98%CAS: 6132-02-1Index No.: 011-005-00-2EC No.: 207-838-8Formula: Na2CO3 · 10H2OSynonyms: 0Info: 0UN Hazard Class: N/AUN Number: N/AUN Packing Group: NA
Q = When I try to dissolve this a sediment forms and the solution does not clear.A = Distilled or deionised water should be used to dissolve this. Tap water, particularly in hard water areas, can cause the solution to go cloudy or to become cloudy after standing for a while. This can be more of a problem with technical grade versions.
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