Home > Biology > Microscope Accessories > Prepared Microscope Slides > Prepared Slide Sets
This KS3/GCSE Slide Set includes a wide range of slides suitable for use at Key Stage 3 and GCSE levels. It is supplied as a set of 25 prepared glass slides, and includes the following:
Human blood smear; Kidney TS; Lily anther tetrads TS; Skin, sweat glands VS; Ovary VS; Spinal Cord TS; Yeast (saccharomyces) E; Dicot stem apex LS; Dicot stem separate bundles TS; Monocot (Zea) root TS; Allium root tip, mitosis LS; Allium root tip, squash; Monocot leaf epidermis E; Artery and vein TS; Squamous epithelium; Kidney injected VS; Lung VS; Skin, hair insertion VS; Lung injected VS; Testis TS; Pancreas TS; Mucor asexual E; Moss leaf, for cells; Dicot leaf TS; Dicot stem old TS.
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