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Home > Shop by Brand > Lascells
Optics Board£21.98
Neodymium Wands£20.58
Lascells Doppler Ball Mk2£17.52
Mounted Piezo Transducer£17.31
Monkey Replacement£15.48
Lascells LED Object£15.00
Mounted D Cell Holder£14.30
Mounted Potentiometer 100K Ohm£13.72
Mounted Potentiometer 10K Ohm£13.72
Mounted Potentiometer 1K Ohm£13.72
Mounted Potentiometer 1M Ohm£13.72
Mounted Potentiometer 470 Ohm£13.72
Prize Winner07/02/25
Breckland and Lascells workshops17/01/25
Breckland Scientific
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