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Product Code : S0001165-500GBrand: BRECKLAND SOLUTIONSAssay: 98%CAS: 7782-63-0Index No.: 026-003-01-4EC No.: 231-753-5Formula: FeSO4 · 7H2OSynonyms: Ferrous SulphateInfo: 0UN Hazard Class: N/AUN Number: N/AUN Packing Group: NA
Q = When I dissolve this in water the solution turns brown or cloudy. What can I do to prevent this?A = Iron (ll) sulphate should be dissolved in distilled or deionised water as some tap water can cause problems, due to dissolved minerals or ions. The addition of a few drops of sulphuric acid can be used to clear the solution or prevent it from discolouring. Solutions are better made up freshly each time, before use.
World Book Day Competition!06/03/25
Prize Winner07/02/25
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