Home > Chemicals > Search by A - Z > Heamatoxylin - Iron
Only available for schools & colleges to order.
Product Code : S0001159-2.5LBrand: BRECKLAND SOLUTIONSAssay: 1%CAS: N/AIndex No.: Not listedEC No.: N/AFormula: N/ASynonyms: 0Info: Solution in KIUN Hazard Class: N/AUN Number: N/AUN Packing Group: NA
Q = Is this suitable for starch testing?A = This is suitable for starch testing, but it needs to be diluted to 0.01M (i.e. a five-fold dilution, as it is supplied as 0.05M). See CLEAPPS recipe card 50
Q = Which Iodine solution can be used for halogen reaction (displacement) experiments?A = Iodine dissolved in KI will be fine. The molarity of this is 0.05M.Iodine can be made up into solution from the solid form in KI using the CLEAPSS recipe card RB050.Potassium iodide (KI) is used because Iodine is far more soluble in aqueous KI solution.
Q = What is the molarity of Iodine in this solution and how much KI is present?
A = The molarity is approx. 0.04M (0.08N).There are 100g of Iodine per litre of solution.There are 200g of KI per litre of solution.
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