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LogIT - Digital Ammeter 10pk

LogIT - Digital Ammeter 10pk
Product Code :  EMD-060-110Price:  £390.00 /10pk(Exc. 20% VAT)Saver Points: 780

Brand:  LogIT


Range: 0-10 A x 0.01A. UK designed and manufactured in a strong high grade ABS case with protective display window covering a very bright 14mm tall LED display. Green digits for the voltmenter and red for the ammeter help students distiguish between the two. Displays two decimal places up to 9.99 and 1 decimal place from 10.0 upwards ensuring stable readings. Colour coded 4mm sockets mounted horizontally on the rear panel ensure the wires lie flat on the bench. Overall display size: 32 x 19mm. Full facia dimensions: 130 x 90mm. Height at the back 40mm and 15mm at the front provides for the perfect student viewing angle.
Power: 2 x AA batteries included.

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