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Product Code : S0001337-500GBrand: BRECKLAND SOLUTIONSAssay: N/ACAS: 9005-25-8Index No.: Not listedEC No.: 232-679-6Formula: (C6H10O5)nSynonyms: 0Info: MaizeUN Hazard Class: N/AUN Number: N/AUN Packing Group: NA
Q = How do I make this into solution?A = To make starch powder into solution: usually a 1% solution is made. Add a little cold water to 1g starch powder & mix into a paste. Add 100ml boiling water, stirring all the time. If the solution is still not clear, boil until it does turn clear. Allow to cool before use. Does not store well so best made up fresh.
Meet Sarah at the Kent Festival Of Physics14/03/25
British Science Week Competition11/03/25
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