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Spare tube for polarimeter. Polarimetry is a rewarding field of study in any Post-16 course to explore the applications of polarised light.This student polarimeter uses a monochromatic yellow LED light source and simplified construction to make the topic available for study in any laboratory. A 10cm long specimen tube contains the sugar solution under test and this is placed in the body of the apparatus above the polariser and light source.The lid contains the second polariser and has a scale on the outer edge so that as it is rotated the position for extinction can be found for different solution concentrations and the angle of rotation recorded.Full instructions included with everything supplied except a bench 0-10V d.c. power supply.Also available is a A spare flat bottomed glass tube for use with the Polarimeter.
Meet Sarah at the Kent Festival Of Physics14/03/25
British Science Week Competition11/03/25
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